Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Reading Response 1

Reading Response  1

Q Consider Throughout the semester we will be reading and reviewing primary source information as well as secondary source excerpts, and each type of source requires a corresponding kind of analysis. The Reading Response assignments are a chance for you to engage with these authors other than your textbook authors, in a written format. Your task will be to consider the prompt for each and create a response to one of the questions posed. The main purpose of these response assignments is for you to consider alternative perspectives (not always presented in the textbook) and "hear" different historians' voices, as well as show that you fully understand the claim or argument of the author in the historical context provided by the textbook. "Context" is not the "cause" of an event, but the social, political, economic, and environmental circumstances of any given event or artifact (for more on on how to better understand context you can review this Mometrix video (Links to an external site.), which explains context when reviewing fiction or literature but is useful to us as well). Write or Create For each response, please consider what the topic and sources mean to you, what information they provide, what new ideas they stimulate. Then, write at least 700 words your judgments with careful analysis and thoughtful revision, in one of the following formats: • An essay as a formal report. • A personal blog that you may continue throughout the course. This will enable you to write, if you choose, in a more informal style, and you can quickly review your thinking from various lessons. If you want I can create a blog page in Canvas for you to develop or you can use an outside site, but you can also simply write as if you were writing for a blog page. • An e-mail addressed to a friend or family member about your intellectual journey as prompted by the accompanying reading. This format can allow you to adopt a friendly style and to write in the first person. Your Reading Response is due by Sunday, 11:59pm in Canvas. Brown, Anglo-Algonquian Gender Frontier.pdf Download Brown, Anglo-Algonquian Gender Frontier.pdf For your response, choose one of the following question prompts. Remember, you can devise a written response in essay or letter format. REFLECTION QUESTIONS - WHICH ONE WILL YOU ANSWER? CHOOSE ONE QUESTION: 1. Describe the roles, socially and economically, of both English and Algonquian-speaking women. How are they similar and in what ways do they differ? Why are these distinctions important or what do they imply regarding the status of women in each culture? 2. What were the reasons that English men in Virginia thought of Indian men as more feminine and what impact did this have (or might have had) on relationships overall between the two groups? Similarly, how did English men view Indian women? 3. Women in all cultures and societies across time and space worked very hard to sustain themselves, their families, and their people. Do you think Algonquian women worked harder than English women? Why or why not? Describe how similar or different each group's work was. Explain how you think their notions of work impacted women’s standing in their respective societies. Women in all cultures and societies across time and space worked very hard to sustain themselves, their families, and their people. Do you think Algonquian women worked harder than English women? Why or why not? Describe how similar or different each group's work was. Explain how you think their notions of work impacted women’s standing in their respective societies.

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Even in rural places, women are gradually gaining political clout. It's no longer uncommon for women to hold positions of power in many nations. Women are no longer reliant on males to guide their lives because of their education. Legal frameworks for allowing women into the workplace and providing them with a supportive work environment have evolved throughout time. Even though Algonquian women had a big part in the cultivation of maize and the transmission of culture, Algonquian males wielded tremendous political and religious power in their community.